Letras de Stitchie - True Identity Letras de Stitchie - True Identity


True Identity lyrics

True Identity Lyrics


I am born again
I am blood washed
I am redeemed
I am justified by Christ
I am ransomed
From the powers of death and hell
I am regenerated by the blood of Jesus Christ
That makes me well

I am a royal priesthood
I'm a holy nation
I'm a peculiar person
A chosen generation
I am created here on earth to have dominion
I am fashioned in His likeness and His image says God

I'm made a little lower
Than the angels
I am a king and a priest
Ordained by Christ Himself
I'm a heavenly citizen
Because Christ who is risen
And now I can rejoice
I'm made to be the righteous of God through Christ

I am a royal priesthood
I'm a holy nation
I'm a peculiar person
A chosen generation
I am created here on earth to have dominion
I am fashioned in His likeness and His image says God

I'm not what I think I am
I am what God say I am
I'm not what I think I am
I am what God say I am

I'm not what I think I am
I am what God say I am
I'm not what I think I am
I am what God say I am

I have the power to bind and to loose
I can decree His Words whenever I choose
I am a member of the body of Christ
I am a branch Jesus Christ is the True Vine

I am a royal priesthood
I'm a holy nation
I'm a peculiar person
A chosen generation
I am created here on earth to have dominion
I am fashioned in His likeness and His image says God
